http-request-059 (AB)

Tests p:http-request: Testing 'content-type' is overridden by header.

Test ab-http-request-059.xml is expected to pass.

The pipeline

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" version="3.0">
   <p:output port="result">
   <p:http-request href="http://localhost:8246/service/echo" method="post" headers="map{'content-type' : 'text/csv' }">
         <p:inline content-type="text/plain">1 , 2, 3</p:inline>
      <p:with-input pipe="report">
MorganaXProc passing XML Calabash passing

Schematron validation

<s:schema xmlns:s="" queryBinding="xslt2">
      <s:rule context="/">
         <s:assert test="result">The root element is not 'result'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="starts-with(result/content-type,'text/csv')">The content type is not right.</s:assert>

Revision history

10 Jun 2021, Achim Berndzen

Added attribute 'queryBinding' to schematron's schema.

30 Jan 2020, Achim Berndzen

Changed headers to lower-case.

14 Jan 2020, Achim Berndzen

Added new tests for p:http-request.